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Carbon Control

Wheelie GR8 Driving School understands traditional internal combustion engine cars cause large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. This is why we have teamed up with Ecologi to reduce our carbon emissions by planting 24 trees every month as well as fund carbon reduction projects such as bringing renewable energy to rural places in India. As a result this means that Wheelie GR8 Driving School is now a carbon neutral company. 


When you choose to learn to drive with us, you know you are doing your part in helping combat climate change.


We know that electric cars are the future of driving, which is why we are aiming to only teach in electric cars by 2025.


Click on the link below to find out more about Wheelie GR8 and Ecologi and how you can reduce your own carbon footprint by planting trees or by gifting trees to our project.


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