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Here at Wheelie GR8 Driving School we are passionate about the environment as we are with driving, this is why we invest in carbon reduction projects to make our company carbon neutral.

CLICK HERE to find out more.

One-to-one tuition

I put my pupils first, during your lesson it

is purely one-to-one

with no pick up 

en route.

Fully Qualified

I would not teach you how to drive if I wasn't an expert myself, I have many years of experience in the driving industry.

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Drive a new car!


I teach in a fantastic, new Mini Cooper. This car will help you to feel confident, cool and comfortable while you learn to drive.

Before you attend your first lesson, I need you to generate a 'check code' so I can view what vehicles you can drive and any penalty points or disqualifations you have. Please email me the code so I can check you are legally entitled to drive my car. You MUST also read and acknowledge the terms and conditions before your start your first lesson.

Click HERE to obtain a 'check code'.

Click HERE to read and acknowledge the terms.

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